I Love Canberra

With lakes, parklands and bushwalks galore, Canberra is one of the few planned cities in the world that complements the natural landscape around it.  The only major city away from the coast, our Bush Capital has so much to offer that we don’t really need a weekend getaway; we have so much to see and do on our doorstep.

We can enjoy world-class restaurants that offer gastronomic experiences in a beautiful mix of urban and rural flavours.  We have historical buildings, renowned museums and galleries, urban shopping centres and festivals and celebrations every year.  In fact, this year the Australian War Memorial will be front and centre Commemorating the Centenary of WWI Armistice, with events scheduled through October and November leading into Remembrance Day.  Bike trails, wetlands and bushwalking contribute to the long list of ways we can spend our time in Canberra and helped get the City to third on Lonely Planet’s Top 10 Cities to Visit in 2018.  

Here are a few other reasons that Canberra is a great city not just to visit, but to live in:

  • As a modern, planned city it’s easy getting around
  • The hub of Australian politics and much business, incomes are highest in the nation and coupled with the lowest unemployment rates in Oz
  • Families with kids have great access to world-class universities
  • Easy drive for a holiday in the Snowy Mountains or the coast
  • Real estate is still affordable 

    Canberra might not be as large as Sydney or as sporting as Melbourne, but I think we can all agree that our City has its own unique character, charm and attraction. Well, I love Canberra! Don’t you?

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